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  • #124371

    I Cannot change my email cause the email I put in the first place has a mistake in it and I cant access it.

    The only way to fix it is to ask you to help

    Brandon C

    Hi Alex-Ann,

    Thank you for reaching out and thank you for using Post and Page Builder from BoldGrid. Although we have no control over your email capabilities you should be able to switch your current primary email address by navigating to the Settings > General section of your WordPress dashboard and change the email address from the Administration Email Address input field. You’ll be prompted to confirm the new email address at that account.

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you run into in trouble!


    Hi, thanks for the fast answer.

    The thing is that i’ve tried many times to change it but never received any email to confirm it and I did put the right email. It says that I should receive an email at the new email address but I never received any 🙁

    Brandon C

    I definitely understand. This is actually a pretty common occurrence as well. WordPress uses a specific mailer right out of the box that normally gets flagged in your email inbox. So try checking your Spam folder for the email, you’ll likely see it there.

    If you don’t see the email you may want to reach out to your web hosting provider and work with them to access your website at the server level where you can also change your primary WordPress email. Your web host should be have knowledge on how to perform this task.

    Thanks Alex-Ann, I hope you find this information useful.

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