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  • #140702 Reply


    I have been waiting for support for my problem for a long time and have provided all kinds of information for that purpose. The last response was from July 15. To my surprise, this threat was closed without notifying me.The topic ‘webp is not becoming active on my website’ is closed to new replies.

    Please help me.


    +9 Points

    In a recent test, we converted all of our images to WebP and added 9 points to the Google PageSpeed score! Review the test results to see how we did it!

    Upgrade to W3 Total Cache Pro and improve your PageSpeed Scores today!

    #140752 Reply
    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Gertjan,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!

    I am sorry for the inconvenience, it seems that the mentioned topic was closed automatically and neither you nor us got the notifications. For this, I apologize.
    I’ve checked your website and as I can see almost all of the images are converted by the W3 Total Cache and being served as webp. Please check the screenshot below:
    As you can see the content-type: image/webp means that the image is converted and served as webp.
    Other images, that are not served as webp you should re-check and see if those images converted or the conversion is not done because potentially, the size might be larger when converted, depending on the image itself.
    Let me know if you have any questions.

    #141258 Reply

    Hello Marko, I have purged the cache and it is working. So changing the RewriteEngine to the beginning of my .htaccess file was the solution?

    Thanks for all your help.

    Kind regards,


    #141359 Reply
    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Gertjan,

    Thank you for the confirmation
    Yes, in some cases this may be required (This is not something that is always recommended as it should work automatically), and this is because some rewrite rules need to have priority. In this case, moving the webp rewrite rules to the top of your configuration file is what was needed.

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