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  • #153649 Reply
    Tony Elwood

    Why can’t I deactivate the Total Cache Plugin? I’ve installed it and decided not to use it. But I keep getting an error that reads, “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.”

    This seems to happen to others. Not happy about this. Please get back to me and let me know what I need to do to resolve this.


    #153683 Reply

    Hello Tony,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    Can you please try to manually remove the W3 Total Cache files and folders? It seems that the environment you are on has some limitations
    1. Check .htaccess File (make backup)
    W3TC will create many directives in .htaccess file to control the caching behavior. Each section will start and end with comments like “#BEGIN W3TC Page Cache core” and “#END W3TC Page Cache core”.
    Ensure that no residual entries are left over in your .htaccess file after deleting the plugin.
    2. Delete wp-content files and folders
    – cache folder
    – w3tc-config folder
    – object-cache.php (if exists)
    – advanced-cache.php (if exists)
    – db.php (if exists)
    – upgrade folder
    – delete w3-total-cache folder in wp-content/plugins/ (if exists)
    3. Delete Cached Files from CDN (if using CDN)
    Besides deleting all the relevant files, if you use CDN then ensure to purge the cached content from your CDN. This is necessary when you enabled minify option in W3TC settings. You should delete the minified and combined scripts and CSS files from your CDN server to avoid the site breaking on the browser.
    4. Go to your wp dashboard and re-install W3 Total Cache

    Let me know if this helps!


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