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  • #154520 Reply

    We are working on enabling W3TC Pro on the staging of a client’s site. We’ve included the recommended code snippet:
    define('W3TC_PRO_DEV_MODE', true) to wp-config.php and resaved the license key. However, the The W3 Total Cache license key can’t be verified.. check license status again message still displayed in WordPress. Investigating further, we found the following:
    'valid vs active
    When we changed ‘valid’ to ‘active’ the message disappeared. We’re simply sending this to make you aware of this bug so that it can be addressed.

    #154536 Reply

    Hello Meghann,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    Just to confirm, when you made those changes in the W3 Total Cache you saw that the website is active in the W3TC_PRO_DEV_MODE


    #154541 Reply

    Yes, it was. The bug was just that the code affecting whether or not the The W3 Total Cache license key can’t be verified.. check license status again message displayed was using ‘valid’ although we did not see ‘valid’ being referenced anywhere else while ‘active’ was. When we changed ‘valid’ to ‘active’ the message went away.
    For some reason the screenshot I attempted to include did not work properly but I’ll try and include that section of code where we found the bug:

    if ( ! empty( $license_ley ) || defined( 'W3TC_LICENSE_CHECK' ) ) {
    $license = Licensing_Core::check_license( $license_key, W3TC_VERSION);

    if( $license ) {
    $status = $license->license_status;
    $terms = $license->license_terms;
    if ( $this->_status_is( $status, 'active' ) ) {
    $plugin_type = 'pro';
    } elseif ( $this->_status_is( $status, 'inactive.by_rooturi' ) &&
    Util_Environment::is_w3tc_pro_dev() ) {
    $status = 'active'; // <------------- was 'valid', but should be 'active'
    $plugin_type = 'pro_dev';

    #154701 Reply

    Hello Meghann,

    Thank you for your feedback and for providing the details
    I’ll share this with the team

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