BoldGrid Inspirations is a WordPress website builder plugin that is the first step to creating or rebuilding your website. It combines BoldGrid’s beautiful, responsive WordPress themes together with professionally designed page layouts and industry-specific starter content to get you on the fastest path to success. What is success? Building your site faster than ever before. Follow along below to get all the details.
What is BoldGrid?
BoldGrid provides a suite of WordPress plugins, themes, and services designed to work together. This eliminates the need to search for compatible WordPress themes and plugins so you can build faster.
What’s the difference between a WordPress Theme and an Inspiration?
WordPress uses Themes to control how your content is displayed on your website. Your theme controls the colors, backgrounds, and overall layout of your website.

Normally, when you install a new WordPress Theme, you will see something similar to the image shown here— a simple layout with the default WordPress content. It’s a blank canvas waiting for you to paint your masterpiece.
A BoldGrid Inspiration contains a WordPress Theme for your business at its core, but it gives you much more than a blank canvas— it’s more like a “Paint-By-Numbers” that you get to use as a template for your masterpiece!
What comes with an Inspiration?
When you create an Inspiration, you’ll choose a category that describes the purpose of your website. Categories include specific industries, like “Restaurant” and “Real Estate,” and also more general ones like “Consulting” and “Photography.”
When choosing your category, choose one that’s closest to what your WordPress website will actually be about. For example, if you’re an artist, you might choose Photography or Design. If you’re going to be running an e-commerce store, you might choose Marketing or Fashion.
All of the content is easily changeable, so don’t worry too much over the words there. Just try to see the layout with your content on it, and go from there. You have control over the colors and many other factors later, so try to visualize what you are looking for with no boundaries, because you will have control over virtually every aspect of your website later on.
After you choose a category, you’ll see a variety of themes with starter content matching that industry. The starter content will have page layouts, stock photography, and professionally-written copy text that will inspire you to customize it with your own images and content.
How do I work with starter content?
After you choose your category and select a theme, you’ll be brought to the content step. From here, you can choose to install a basic 3-page starter, 5 pages, or the “Kitchen Sink” which comes with 8-16 different professionally-designed pages!
Each page will have a different layout that you can customize and modify to suit the needs of your website. If this is your first time, consider choosing the “Kitchen Sink” and check out all your options. You can always start over if you want to try out a different theme, or even use Cloud WordPress to try different options before selecting your final design.

What’s next?
Congratulations! You now know what BoldGrid Inspirations is, and what it can do to get you on the fast and easy path to create a website! Here are the next steps:
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