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  • #25594
    joe foresman

    I have the free version of W3 Total Cache on our website now, but the site is still dreadfully slow. 15-25 seconds to load a page. I have all the settings where they recommend. And to be honest I dont understand a lot of the things they talk about, as far as minifying or anything like that. Would the pro version help us speed up our site? if it does not help do you offer a refund or a period to get money back?

    I have tried everything to speed up our site but nothing is working. Can someone please help?


    Jesse Owens

    Hi Joe-

    The Pro version can help in a lot of different ways, especially for your site by deferring your CSS files.

    We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not able to take advantage of the pro features.

    I did take a look at the site you sent over privately, and one thing sticks out. One of your theme files, organic-life/quick-style.php, is taking around 20 seconds to respond. You should be able to reduce this by enabling Page Caching in your Performance > General Settings > Enable Page Cache
    GTMetrix Report with a long response for quick-style.php

    If you’re already using Page Cache, it might be worth reaching out to the premium Organic Life theme’s support team to see why that script is taking so long- its response is a relatively small CSS file.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jesse Owens.
    joe foresman
    I appreciate you taking a look at it.
    Just FYI i already did have the page cache enabled. So thats the speed we are at. as far as the pro features, im honestly not sure what “deferring CSS files” means or a lot of the other technical terms. So I am not sure if I will have any issues using pro or getting more speed because i do not understand a lot of those things.
    But if you offer a 30 day money back guarantee it may be worth the try, but if I have any trouble working with it will I be able to get any pro support or help from you guys?
    We purchased that theme at, and I went there to check out the support options, and unfortunately this theme has been taken down and it appears that there is no support for it – but i asked in there forums as well.
    Appreciate your answers.
    Jesse Owens

    Hi Joe-

    Yes, once you make a purchase pro support is available right from your dashboard, in the Performance > Support menu.

    We’ll be more than happy to support you through your journey to a faster website, but it is tough to speculate why that script in your theme would be taking so long to process even with page cache.

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