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  • #32592

    Hi guys,

    Can you please help me with these 3 questions:
    1. Why comments do not work on the site? If I click on “Leave a comment”, nothing happens.
    2. I’d love to use one of the pre-installed fonts but all of them seem to have issues with Cyrillic.
    3. I may also want to use one of the system fonts (e.g. Tahoma) but they are not available on the list Customize => Fonts => Main Text. Why is that?


    BoldGrid Support

    Hello Ksenia,

    Thanks for contacting BoldGrid – we are always happy to help!

    By default comments are not enabled on pages in BoldGrid themes. To enable comments, please follow these steps, or read this article for more information.

    1. Navigate to Pages -> All Pages in your WordPress Dashboard.
    2. Hover over any page you’d like to enable comments for, and click Quick Edit.
    3. Check the box Allow Comments.

    BoldGrid uses the Google Font Library, which is why system fonts like Tahoma are not available. Google Fonts have Cyrillic options – – and should display correctly on your BoldGrid website. What specific issues are you having with the font so we can further assist?



    Hi Nicole,

    I have two blog posts:

    Both have comments on, and if you scroll down, there is “Leave a comment” option. However, if you click on it, nothing happens. Please, advise how I can fix it?

    You can also the issue with the text in Cyrillic on both blog posts (you need to click on РУССКИЙ / DEUTSCH) to expand. But even the link itself shows the difference: Deutsch is written in the theme font and Русский is obviously not.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Ksenia-

    I’ll tackle the easier question first, about your Cyrillic characters. Right now, your body text is using the Ropa Sans font, which does not include Cyrillic glyphs. Since the Ropa Sans doesn’t include those characters, they “fall back” to the backup font Helvetica. In order to fix that, you’ll need to choose a font that includes the Cyrillic alphabet. Probably the most similar fonts to Ropa Sans that include it are Montserrat or Source Sans Pro.

    For the issue with Comments, I believe the issue is that your blog posts are using the “Category: Blog” Archive page instead of a regular blog posts page. Here’s a quick video showing you how to set up a Blog Page:


    Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for the answer. I got the issue with the fonts fixed. One of the fonts you suggested worked for me.
    But I still have this issue with comments not available: I created a blank page called Blog and changed “Your homepage displays” as described in the video. But if I click on “Leave a comment”, nothing happens.

    Can you please have a look?


    Jesse Owens

    Hi Ksenia-

    Thanks for the update, I’m glad we got one issue resolved for you. I think that the issue is being caused by the fact that we’re never actually viewing the individual post- even when you click on the article itself, it’s still being displayed on the archive page.

    Can you share what plugins you’re currently using? Specifically, the plugin that provides the Russian/German translation toggle? I’d like to try some testing on my end, because the commenting works as expected on the Hifidel theme by itself, and I’d like to see if I can get the same thing to happen on my end so I can see if we can find a solution for you.


    Hi Jesse,

    Here you are:
    – Read More Without Refresh (the one that expands RU / DE part)
    – The rest: BoldGrid Easy SEO, BoldGrid Gallery, BoldGrid Inspirations, Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent, Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights, Health Check & Troubleshooting, Post and Page Builder, Post and Page Builder Premium, Total Upkeep, Total Upkeep Premium, WP Super Cache, WPForms Lite.

    Hope it helps.

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Ksenia-

    I believe I replicated your issue, and the good news is that your Read More Without Refresh plugin is just fine.

    The thing that caught my eye is that your blog posts have permalinks like /blog/20201230. However, any time you click on a link to an individual post, it redirects back to /blog/.
    I believe this is related to your permalink settings.

    Navigate to Settings > Permalinks and confirm for me if you’re using a Custom Permalink structure like this:

    When I set up my permalinks like that, I got the same thing you’re seeing, that individual posts redirect back to the /blog/ page. Permalinks aren’t designed to work without a slash in between each tag, and that’s what’s causing the redirection.

    Additionally, it might actually be more beneficial to use the post title as the permalink, since the URL is very important for SEO purposes, and the date published doesn’t give search engines a good idea what the content is relevant to. I’d recommend switching your permalink structure to /%categrory%/%postname%/. That said, if you’d really like the URL to be the date, consider manually updating each post’s slug to the date when you’re editing the page.


    Hi Jesse,

    I guess you’re right. I remember deleting the slashes manually and it looks like this now: /%category%/%year%%monthnum%%day%/

    I changed the permalinks as you suggested and everything works now. Glad I didn’t need to deactivate my Read More Without Refresh plugin. Thank you very much for your support!


    Hi Jesse-

    I see that the comment form is now available, and I am wondering if I could change it? I’d rather have no “email” and “website” fields there. How could I do this?

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