I am following the instructions on how to use Total Upkeep to transfer a site from CloudWP over to my newly purchased domain but I’m getting “Could not reach the URL address. HTTP error: 504 (Gateway Time-out)”. I have turned off my firewall but that made no difference. Here is the log file:
[redacted for length]
[content-disposition] => attachment; filename=”boldgrid-backup-demo2.cloudwp.dev_trial-[redacted]-20210201-151916.zip”
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[content-length] => 337759437
[2021-02-01 15:30:08 UTC] Log restored from zip: Success
[2021-02-01 15:31:24 UTC] Archive downloaded successfully.
[2021-02-01 15:31:24 UTC] Headers: Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
[redacted for length]