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  • #47310

    I want (subscribe and connect with us) section to appear on every post, on the bottom automatically. how can I do that? Similarly ‘Leave a replay’ appears automatically, how can I do ‘Subscribe section’?

    Brandon C

    Hi Goda,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    The best way to accomplish this is probably going to be to add the subscription button directly into the header or footer of your Crio theme. That way the button is visible no matter where your users land on your website.

    You could go about this by adding a Custom Page Header Template. That way you have full control over how and where the button is displayed in your header. Our custom page header functionality allows you to build custom page header with the same drag and drop features as our BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. You can also create a custom footer template using similar method.

    I hope this helps to resolve your request. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

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