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  • #48406
    Shaun Vine

    I keep seeing this message when I try to view the Cloud website I created:

    The Cloud WordPress you’re requesting is currently unavailable. Your site may be in maintenance mode. Please try again in a few minutes.

    Brandon C

    Hi Shaun,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Cloud Services for WordPress!

    The “Service Unavailable” message is just due to the sheer amount of Cloud WordPress users who are active at the same time. We have over 75,000 active websites signed on and using the service. The error message normally only last about 3 – 5 minutes on average. You can try clearing your cache and reloading the page or try accessing the URL in a different web browser.

    Keep in mind “Cloud WordPress” is for site staging and development purposes only and should not be used in place of a traditional web host.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you need further assistance.

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