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  • #55735
    Daniel Lavoie


    We are looking to create a landing page, using a template that looks to be done by Boldgrid.

    The template we would like to copy is “”, can you please assist?


    Brandon C

    Hi Daniel!

    Thanks a lot for reaching out. I inspected the URL you sent in the thread and I don’t think it was created by the BoldGrid team. It do not see that’s it’s using our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme, any of our legacy themes or the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress which would have to be installed for a BoldGrid theme to function correctly.

    My guess is this is a custom bootstrap theme design for this particular company but I do believe you could get really close to redesigning this layout in Crio.

    Please let us know if have any questions on getting started with the Crio WordPress theme or BoldGrid Post and Page Builder, we’d be happy to assist!

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