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  • #73233
    Paul OConnor

    I have no idea why something like this happens. Need help please. Word press site. This site has been difficult from the beginning. I did not design it.

    Brandon C

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for reaching out. I think you’re experiencing these issues because you’re currently using the “Diced” theme which is considered one of our legacy themes and only receives core updates at this point so it is possible that some functions could be deprecated.

    The entire Diced theme has been incorporated into our Crio Pro WordPress theme as a part of the “Inspirations” plugin package.

    My recommendation is switching over from Diced to Crio, as Crio is 100% compatible with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder and the BoldGrid Theme Framework.

    There may minor tweaks you need to make after switching over to Crio but we’re right here to help if you have any questions.

    Thank you,

    Brandon C.

    Paul OConnor

    Thank you Brandon. Unfortunately I’m like George Costanza (Seinfeld) when it comes to this stuff–clueless. This ‘change – over’ requires someone who knows how. As far as possible tweaks, I might as well be attempting fusion atom splitting. Any recommendations on who can do this for me?

    Brandon C

    Hey Paul,

    I don’t know of any developers right off the top of my head but I’m sure you could find a suitable one on UpWork or a similar platform.

    If you decide to do this on your own we’ll definitely be here to help you every step of the way!

    Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any questions.

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