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  • #98064

    I keep getting an error that Total Upkeep is not compatible with my hosting and there is a link to make it compatible but it sends me to a dead page. Is there a new link to help me get it working on my host?

    Brandon C

    Hi Kristopher,

    Thank you for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear your having trouble with compatibility between Total Upkeep and your web hosting environment. We’d like to get more details on your error if possible. Is there a full error message that you could copy and send over for us to inspect?

    We also want to pinpoint when this error is happening and what could possibly be triggering it. Are you receiving this error message upon activating the Total Upkeep plugin itself or do you get this response when attempting a task such as performing a backup?

    You mentioned a you received a dead link to make your web hosting compatible with Total Upkeep compatible with your web hosting. Is that link appearing in your error message as well? Maybe you can copy/paste the link in to the forum here as well so that we can take look to see if it reveals anything.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this Kristopher!

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