Did you just finish creating a Cloud WordPress site? The next step is accessing your Cloud WordPress Dashboard and building your website. From there you have many tools for choosing a theme, uploading logos, and adding content among other things. You can access the Cloud WordPress Dashboard from BoldGrid Central or directly from the site URL. In this guide, we will show you both methods.
Access Cloud WordPress Dashboard from BoldGrid Central
- Log into BoldGrid Central
- Click the Cloud WordPress link
- You may have more than one site listed if you have a Premium BoldGrid license. Choose the one you want to access
- Click the Log In button to log into the Dashboard
Access Cloud WordPress Dashboard from Site URL
You will need your site URL, Username, and Password to log into the Dashboard directly. This was provided after creating your Cloud WordPress site. For security reasons, this password is only provided once, but you can always log on from BoldGrid Central.
- In a browser enter your site URL, such as https://demo2.cloudwp.dev/trial-3t02uu30
- Add /wp-admin to the end of the site URL then click the Enter key. For example, https://demo2.cloudwp.dev/trial-3t02uu30/wp-admin
- Enter your Username and Password then click the Log In button.
Now that you are logged in, you can begin customizing the website in your Cloud WordPress Dashboard. From there you can go to the Inspirations section and choose a website style. Then, go to the Customize section to add your own personal touch to the pages.
200+ Design Templates + 1 Kick-ass SuperTheme
6 WordPress Plugins + 2 Essential Services
Everything you need to build and manage WordPress websites in one Central place.