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Most of the content control for BoldGrid Crio takes place in the Post and Page Builder, however you can set the link color globally from within the Customizer and can also customize your sites Page Titles. The following guide will walk you through those processes.

In BoldGrid Crio, you can adjust the color of your links globally. This can help your visitors clearly identify any links placed within your content.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Site Content → Links
  • You can set your link preferences, such as color, underline and hover effect
  • Click the Publish button to save your changes

Adding a Scroll to Top button

Having a scroll to top button can be helpful for getting your visitors back to the top of your page, especially if your navigation is not set to be sticky. The following guide will walk you through enabling the back to top option.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Site Content → Scroll to Top
  • Using the Display setting to Show the Scroll to Top button
  • Click the Publish button to save your changes

Customizing Page Titles

With BoldGrid Crio, you have the ability to customize your Page Titles on a global basis. This allows you to set the design for your Page Titles once, and they will all follow the same style. The following steps will guide you through customizing your Page Titles.

  • Background Color allows you to customize the background of the container the Page Title resides in
  • Title Color allows you to change the color of the font for the Page Title
  • Title Font Size allows you to change the size of your Page Titles
  • Text Position allows you to adjust your Page Titles to be left, center or right aligned
  • Title Position allows you to choose whether your Page Titles are in the content, or above it

Congratulations! You now know how to change your link colors and customize Page Titles in BoldGrid Crio.




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21 thoughts on “Site Content Design Tools in BoldGrid Crio

  1. I keep running into another issue. I build up all my customizations in inspirations. my header looks great, fonts look great.
    As soon as I switch and edit the actual pages, ALL of the edits I made are gone.
    The header is no longer configured, and I no longer get any previews.
    This is the 3rd time I have started from scratch and it happens every time.

    I really want to love boldgrid, but I have yet to get it to work.

  2. I set my color pallet, but It never shows up anwyhere.
    For example if I try and change the header text, I only get a predefined color pallet, ,not mine and I cannot edit it.

    Same for webpage backgrounds, pretty much anything that uses a pallet, my choices are non existent and I cannot edit the pallet

    • Hi, yes one thing you could do to change the color of the hyperlinks in the body area is select those hyperlinks directly with CSS. For example try adding this to your Custom CSS section to change the hyperlink color to red: body a { color: red !important}

      • I just tried changing to ‘body’ instead of ‘palette-primary’, but I got the same results.
        My menu items (top menu) and social links (bottom menu) are still changing color, as well as the hyperlinks in the body.
        If it helps, I’m using Crio.

        • We may need to inspect your site in a web browser to find out which CSS selectors are controlling the hyperlinks specific to the body or entry area of your page. If you would like us to take a look and give you our suggestions you’re more than welcome to start a new Support Forum thread. Be sure to include a link to your site.

    • Hi Iman!

      You can disable the default Page titles entirely by navigating to Design > Pages > Titles in the Customizer.

      Please let us know if you have any other questions!

  3. Is there a way to turn off the page titles from showing up on the pages? I have each page title worked into the design of each page and the page title is now redundant.

    • Hi Kyle!

      You can disable the default Page titles entirely by navigating to Design > Pages > Titles in the Customizer, which should help you remove the redundant information from those items on your website.

      Please let us know if you have any other questions!

  4. I can’t enable the “scroll to top” button on my website. I can get to the step, but there is no way to toggle the button to “enable”. I am using Crio, and I was able to activate the scroll to top on another site using the same theme.

    • Hi Becky, sorry to hear that there are some problems enabling the Scroll to Top button on your website.

      One possible explanation for the missing control could be related to a plugin conflict. Try temporarily disabling any non-BoldGrid plugins used on your website to see if that allows the controls located under Design > Site Content > Scroll to Top to load as expected.

      Hopefully that helps you get the controls working and please let us know how it goes!

        • Hello Becky-

          Thanks for the update. One other possibility for you- there was a bug in Crio version 2.8.0 that has already been fixed that sometimes caused the scroll-to-top button not to show correctly. The current version of Crio is 2.8.2. Are you running the most recent version of the theme? If not, I recommend updating.

          If you’re still having trouble after updating, please start a new Support Forum topic so we can take a closer look for you.

          • The scroll to top is working now. I moved my site out of development and launched it live, and the scroll button appeared on the pages. Not sure if it was an issue of cached pages, or if moving it to its own URL that fixed the problem, but it is up and running now. (I am running the most recent version.)


    • Hi Denise,

      Thanks for the great question, and thanks for using BoldGrid Crio! The font for the Page Titles is the same font as Headings, found in the Customizer’s Font panel. We have another article to learn more about working with Fonts in Crio.

      We can provide custom CSS to change ONLY the Page Titles and not the other Headings, if needed please let me know what font you’d like to use.


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