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Some information is best formatted for a Portable Document Format (PDF) file since it’s available offline. Just as you can add Schemas to Improve SEO and visibility in search engine results, you can add metadata to PDF’s for the same results.

Ranking Keywords

Just as with online article, there are specific keywords that are searched most often for particular topics. For example, a fitness blogger may choose between health & fitness or personal fitness. There are many free tools for learning about SEO keyword rankings.

Document Metadata

Ensure the PDF has an eye-catching filename and applicable document properties – e.g. title, alt text, author, keywords, and image alt text. This makes your PDF more accessible and visible in search engine results. You can do this easily with PDF editors such including Adobe Reader, Libre Office Draw, and Master PDF Editor.

File Compression

Many PDF editors have an option to save a compressed version. This makes the file, and images within it, smaller and faster to load. This is similar to compressing multiple files together as a zip or tar.gz format.


Check where traffic for the PDF file originates. Are most visitors reaching it from search engine results, mailing list emails, or an article? Check this by integrating a web analytics application such as Google Analytics.


Subheadings help direct readers looking for specific information within a larger body of content. They work as navigational tools this way and improve SEO.

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