Thanks for the question, I understand the need to customize your shop page the way you need it.
To answer your question, the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder can be used with almost any theme available for WordPress. One popular theme with controls specific to WooCommerce is StoreFront.
However, you can always modify the number of products using a child theme or code snippet. Here’s the code snippet I used to change the number of products per page from 12 to 15.
add_filter( 'loop_shop_per_page', function( $cols ) {
return 15;
}, 21 );
This hooks into the “loop_shop_per_page” filter of WooCommerce, and uses an anonymous function to return the number 15 as the number of products per page. The most important part is the priority at the end, which must be 21 or higher to override a BoldGrid theme’s default priority of 20. Here’s how it looks in the Code Snippets editor: