Hello, thank you for the excellent question, and I’m sorry that our Theme Framework documentation is indeed missing information about how to control the sidebar.
The BoldGrid Theme Framework enables the sidebar, except for the following conditions:
is_page_template( ‘default’ )
is_page_template( ‘page_home.php’ )
If you’d like to disable the sidebar on other templates or conditionals, you can create a filter, either in your child theme’s functions.php or using a code snippet. In the following example, I’ll demonstrate a function that will disable the sidebar for the is_single() function as well as the custom template my_page_template.php:
function my_custom_theme_configs( $boldgrid_framework_configs ) {
$boldgrid_framework_configs['template']['sidebar'][] = "is_single";
$boldgrid_framework_configs['template']['sidebar'][] = "[my_page_template.php]is_page_template";
return $boldgrid_framework_configs;
add_filter( 'boldgrid_theme_framework_config', 'my_custom_theme_configs');
I’ll give a heads-up to our development team to create some better documentation for using the sidebar interface in the BoldGrid Theme Framework. I hope this helps!