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  • #48517

    I wanted to delete many images from the Gallery so I clicked on the “Delete Permanently” option. A dialog pops up and I say yes. Underneath the yes is an option to not have the dialog box pop up. So I click that option. Now I cannot delete an image!!!! And I cannot find where to go to “de-select” the don’t pop up dialog box option. Please, oh, please help!

    Brandon C

    Hi Don,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    If you’re using a BoldGrid “Gallery” block to add your gallery you can click anywhere on the gallery to bring up the “edit” gallery options (pencil icon). From the “Edit Gallery” interface you can remove images from the gallery by clicking the “close window” icon at the top right of each image.

    To delete an image permanently click on the image you want to delete then use the right sidebar to scroll down until you see the “Delete Permanently” button. This option will delete the image from your website altogether.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

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