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  • #153361
    Lesley Wood

    Can you please tell me where to learn to add/edit a footer in the Crio theme? All I have is a thin black row at the bottom of my page which has the wrong email. I would like to edit that as well as move the social media icons from my header to the footer.

    I would also like a tutorial on how to add a page that contains a form for people to sign up for a monthly newsletter from me.

    Thank you,
    Lesley Wood


    Hello Lesley,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    The default footer layout can be easily changed using the Customizer by doing the following.

    1. In the Dashboard navigate to Appearance → Customize
    2. In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Footer → Layout

    I didn’t see a blog on your site, so I’m unsure how you are going to set up for your newsletter, but if you needed to set up a blog for your newsletter you can use that guide to assist with the setting up of your blog. If you go this route you can put your signup form in a block at the bottom of your blog.

    If you are just looking for a basic signup form you can use any contact form to accomplish this.

    Setting up weForms
    Setting up Ninja Forms
    Contact Form Information

    There are many others if you search contact form in the WordPress repository you will find many others that can accomplish this.

    Let me know if you need me to go into detail on anything I will gladly assist where I can.

    Elana D.

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