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  • #77569
    Linda Brewster

    I was lead to believe you have an easy drag and drop system as I’m used to using. Is there step by step instructions on how to build a site? Your system is too confusing. If you have 1-2-3 instructions I would appreciate seeing them. Thank you Linda

    Brandon C

    Hi Linda,

    Thanks for reaching out, although I’m sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. I definitely understand your frustration, and I appreciate you working with us on this.

    Post and Page Builder was built with a mobile first design approach but I think the major issue here is your TwentyTwentyOne WordPress theme which doesn’t have a dedicated Post and Page Buider integration.

    Post and Page Builder functions best with with BoldGrid themes such as Crio Pro WordPress theme which is also included as a part of your premium package for hosting with our premium partner DreamHost.

    Crio is considered a super theme and comes out of the box with over 400 customizable options. It is 100% compatible with Post and Page Builder and I believe that would resolve your issues with mobile responsiveness.

    If you decide to switch to over Crio we’ll be right here to help you configure your new theme and review your options.

    I hope this helps Linda, again we apologize for the confusion. Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

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