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  • #86902
    Robert Clark


    I see today (April 26) that you are billing me $99 for W3 Total Cache (through PayPal). It is a pending transaction. I recall ordering this a year ago for a website I no longer operate. I do not want this renewal. Can you please stop or reverse this charge? I’m not exactly sure of the website name I ordered this for a year ago – as I started a few at that time and none are continuing. It might have been

    I’m unable to log in and make this request through my account – I tried various email addresses and failed. Can you please help me?

    Thank you
    Robert Clark


    Hello Robert,

    Thank you for reaching out.
    I’ve removed all the sensitive information since this is a public forum. Please reach out directly via the W3 Total Cache support channel in Performance>Support or via the website contact form, and provide the instructions about your subscription so we can check this for you.

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