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  • #24295



    I want a menu with 3 levels. I made the menu in Customizer, but it does not show the third Level on the site.

    Can some one help?

    Arnel C

    Hello Jarle,

    Sorry for the problem with the 3-level menus in BoldGrid.  I talked with a developer about the problem because you can clearly create them in the Customizer (or Dashboard),  but they do not display.  The developer said that this issue is being resolved in the next major release of BoldGrid (version 1.5).  So at present, we cannot provide 3 level menus using the BoldGrid functionality.


    If you have any further questions, please let us know.

    Kindest regards,
    Arnel C.


    When are next release?

    Arnel C

    Apologies Jarle, but we do not have an ETA on the next release.


    I have installed 1.5, but still can’t have a menu with 3 levels.  Ideas?


    Hi, Jarle.

    Thanks for your comment regarding having a menu with 3 levels. I am not seeing an issue with configuring this. Have a look at our article on How to Disable a Top Menu Item Link. Although this is not entirley related to your circumstances (you don’t need to disable anything), it will guide you to where you can drag and drop the menu items to appear in the level you’d like.

    The setup from this screen shot: Configure Tiered Menus will result in the following Menu displaying on the site: Tiered Menus ExampleI sincerely hope this helps!

    Carlos E


    Hey again,!

    Thanks for posting your comment with those details. Currently, the way your menus are “ordered” shows that you have the Top Menu set as “CH01” with a submenu “CH02”. This means that “CH01” will appear in the main menu location as a drop-down and contain the “CH02” menu item within it.

    Now, you can configure the Top Menu as “All Church History Courses” with 2 submenus “CH01” and “CH02” (at the same level). This will show “All Church History Courses” as a drop-down menu along with the 2 submenu items. I believe this is what you are attempting to do. You simply need to “nest” the menus accordingly, using the left and right arrows (from the Customizer). You will want “All Church History Courses” at the top level (aligned with your other top level menus items) and then nest “CH01” and “CH02” (one indention for BOTH menu items).

    Here is an image of how the “nesting” should look from the Customizer:
    Menu Order Example

    Here is an image of the results of the nesting from the image above:
    Sample Ordered Menu

    I hope this helps!
    Carlos E

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