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  • #153220
    Scott Banner

    I wanted to install and try out the free version of W3 Total Cache but WordPress will not allow me to activate it. The message says “This plugin is not allowed on our system due to performance, security, or compatibility concerns. Please contact support with any questions.” What is the situation?


    Hello Scott,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    This is related to your hosting provider. If the hosting provider does not allow the caching plugins, including the W3 Total Cache, there is not much we can do about this.
    Can you please share where your website is hosted, and which plan you have on that platform for hosting?

    Scott Banner

    Thanks Marko,

    We’re hosting with GoDaddy on a Managed WP plan. We did have W3 Total Cache installed and running a few months ago but somehow it was removed at some point – not sure if that was GoDaddy or someone here that was working on the site.

    Scott Banner

    Any ideas?


    Hello Scott,

    Thank you for your feedback
    I’ve checked this and there is a notification for Godaddy-managed WP:

    This being said, There is nothing we can do about this, so please reach out to your hosting provider for more information


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