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  • #107397

    I’ve build a website with Crio.

    On check out the iframes of all payment gateways are black and make the whole unreadable.

    I tried to change pallet but iframes stay always black.

    I’ve tried to go through css but I can’t find any iframe.payment-iframe/ .payment-method/ etc…

    Thank you for helping

    Brandon C

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions! We can definitely help you get your iframe elements displaying properly.

    Please link us to a page on your website where this issue is present so that we can inspect it using our browser tools. We should be able to come up with a custom css fix at the very least that you can modify to suit your needs.

    Thanks Simon, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Brandon C.
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