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  • #33705

    with W3TC active I have a 504 error when I update a post.
    I found these errors using WP Crontrol:

    Can you help me?


    Hello Matteo,

    I am sorry about the issue you are experiencing with corn schedules and I am happy to assist you with this.
    As you can see W3TC does have a few events scheduled, depending on features enabled in the General settings.
    Also, as I can see in the screenshot WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT constant is defined to 60s

    When WordPress is loaded, it checks to see if a cron job is running (if cron is locked). If cron is not locked, it will try to create a lock – if the lock timeout has not been reached, no lock can be acquired and cron will not run.

    The constant is limiting the W3TC schedules and therefore those are not executed. You should either change the limit or comment out the WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT line in wp-config.

    I hope this helps!


    Hi Marko,
    thanks for your reply.
    I set WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT to 0 and there isn’t errors:

    Unfortunately I have always 504 error when I publish or update a post. I have this error only with W3TC activated.


    Hello Mattei,

    It would be great if you could share your website URL.
    The Cron schedule for W3TC is not correct. I am not able to see the screenshot at the moment.
    There is a possibility of a conflict so you should make sure that you do not have any other caching solution installed like server-side caching or any other caching plugin and make sure to disable it.


    Hi, this is my site:
    Now I use WP Supercache, I installed it after 504 error of W3TC. Of course I disable Supercache when I try W3TC.

    My server use Varnish cache. Important: W3TC worked fine until your update of July 2020.


    Hello Matteo
    The most likely issue is that there are leftover files of the other caching plugin you are using and therefore is making a conflict with W3 Total Cache.
    We cannot assist you in this case unless you completely remove the other plugins and make sure there are no leftover files.
    Alternatively, we can offer you our premium support in Performance>Support.


    Hi Marko,
    I removed Super Cache (and every files) + Autoptimize, reactivated W3TC, but nothing has changed.

    Until your update of July I never used Super Cache, but I had same 504 error. I don’t know what you change on July.

    Before July 2020 I had Autoptimize and W3TC and the site works fine 🙁


    Hello Matteo,
    Thank you for the information.
    In the July 2020 update, we’ve fixed the following:

    • Fixed Take “Accepted Query Strings” into account when “Cache query strings” enabled
    • Fixed the typo in the variable for lazy loading
    • Added lazy load Google Maps reference to the general settings page
    • Added Support background-image: together with background: for lazy loading

    So there is nothing that would suggest the issue you are referring to except if you are possibly caching a query string.
    As I can see you are using Page Cache with Memcached. I would suggest switching to Disk: Enhanced, as it’s more performant than any other caching method when it comes to page caching, and see if the issue persists.

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