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  • #58809
    Tim OBrien


    I’m working on designing a custom header template. It seems to not be filling the space properly or there’s some gray background color that I can’t change to white to match the header? You can see it a therockvt.com

    Thanks for your help!

    Brandon C

    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions! Sorry to see you’re having a bit of trouble with your custom header but it looks like you have a bit of padding added on both sides.

    One way to tackle this is with some custom CSS, navigate to Appearance > Customize > CSS/JS Editor and add this bit of CSS:

    .site-header header {
    padding-left: 0em !important;
    padding-right: 0em !important;

    I hope this helps. Don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Tim OBrien

    Thank you, that worked! Any idea if there was global setting or something that was causing that problem?

    Also, I’m trying to get the hamburger menu to work on mobile layouts. I have it enabled and it shows up, but when pressed it doesn’t open. If I enable it on all screen sizes, it works perfectly on large format and desktop, but shows up and won’t open on tablet and phone. Any thoughts?


    Brandon C

    Hi Tim,

    If you are using a custom header it’s more than likely the “Padding” control of either the “Row” or the “Section” that contains the header.

    You would need to select the correct element and adjust the padding from the advanced controls section. We have a guide on working with How to use Post and Page builder. I think you would benefit from reviewing the Content Organization section to gain a better understanding of how to manipulate BoldGrid block content.

    For your second question I checked your hamburger menu on my end and was able to select the drop-down navigation. Can you try clearing any cache associated with your website (including any browser cache and server side caching agents) and refreshing to see if it solves the problem on your end.

    I hope this helps Tim! Let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

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