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  • #130705

    Hello! I went to the W3 Total Cache section of my website and there was something saying that W3 basically keeps data to see how I utilize the plugin. I clicked decline and it said that the terms were declined. I just want to make sure that W3 will still run for my website and that declining didn’t mess anything up. I just wanted to decline W3 keeping the data that shows how I utilize the plugin but I wasn’t trying to decline the terms of agreement. If you could provide any clarity that would be great.
    Thank you!



    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    This is for the “Anonymously track usage to improve product quality” option that you can enable/disable in Performance>General Settings>Miscellaneous section of the plugin.
    To answer your question, W3 Total Cache will still run normally on your website, the only thing is that you are not sharing the usage of the plugin, like the options used etc.
    I hope this helps!


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