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  • #107517
    James Hardin

    Do I need to have Premium Total UpKeep for a business website? The site doesn’t directly sell, but advertises my book and links to Amazon and others to buy it.

    Brandon C

    Hi James, Thanks a lot for reaching out!

    The standard version of Total Upkeep is fully capable of backing up your website effectively. The premium version, while offering additional features and benefits, is not necessary if your primary concern is backing up your business website.

    With the standard version, you can confidently schedule regular backups, perform manual backups, and restore your website to a previous state if needed. It covers the fundamental backup needs for most users, ensuring the security and reliability of your website.

    We have a guide for you to follow that shows you exactly how to initiate a backup with Total Upkeep.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Brandon C. Reason: Manual Backup, Total Upkeep
    James Hardin

    Thanks. But what about my other questions from my email responses on October 3?

    I have Total Upkeep Premium now, and I’ve never paid for it. Will I keep it when I move to WP Core? How did I get it in the first place? I don’t recall explicitly loading it; it was just there in my site.

    Also, you mentioned that you don’t create plugins. But Boldgrid is listed as an author for Total Upkeep. Isn’t Boldgrid you?

    Your offering of Google Workspace through AMP is not the third-party solution that interests me. I don’t need all of Workspace, and besides, you only offer the month-by-month pricing instead of the cheaper annual pricing offered by Google. I’m interested in using some other third-party email entirely, like FastMail or A2. Will you help me get properly connected to one of them?

    Your website says WP plans include Hack & Malware Protection. Does this include application firewall, malware blocking, malware repair? Does it mean I wouldn’t need a separate plugin like Jetpack Scan?

    Brandon C

    Hi James, thanks for your reply.

    We do apologize if we missed your contact from October 3rd. I looked through our queue and do not see the contact at all. Is it possible you can link us to the ticket so that we can view it?

    I think you might have us somewhat confused with your web host. I performed a search of your URL and I see that you host with our one of our premium partners “InMotion Hosting“. That would explain why the premium version of Total Upkeep was included in your WordPress plugin suite.

    If you were to transfer the site to another web host you only retain your premium features if you still have an active account at InMotion Hosting because it uses the premium license key that is tied to that account. If your wish is to discontinue service with InMotion Hosting you would need to purchase Total Upkeep premium at this link.

    I’m not sure who told you that we don’t create plugins but we are a theme and plugin developer specifically. What we don’t do is offer Google Workspace through AMP. That sounds like a hosting product offered by IMH. We do not offer any type of email account support other than troubleshooting WordPress notification errors that are directly caused by, or effecting one of our themes or plugins.

    WP Plans including Hack and Malware protection are also services that are offered by your hosting company. The main security matters we handle are related to vulnerabilities in our themes and plugins, or helping secure your WordPress site from the website level. I think you’re looking for more server level based security.

    You should contact IMH support directly for more assistance on these matters.

    Thanks James, let us know if we can answer anything else for you!

    James Hardin

    Oh, I originally contacted InMotion support and never explicitly reached out to you at all, didn’t even know about you. So when I got a response, I assumed it was from them.

    You don’t have an October 3 request from me; that was when I contacted InMotion support. I guess they sent something to you on my behalf.

    Thanks for your answer to your piece of the puzzle. I’ll keep after InMotion support for the rest.

    Brandon C

    Hey James,

    No worries, I’m happy we were able to clear that up.  I hope you can get everything up and running quickly.  Don’t hesitate to reach back out to us if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

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