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  • #49770


    do you have a scrollable timeline block ? or how can I add a ppt or similar timeline into a scrollable block (image 30 events so quite long and tiny text if shown in one frame as a single picture)

    I need to give visitors access to a large number of large files pdfs – preferably linked to text in the main website eg the xxx report – with a link to the file so that they can open it (not sure if I want them to down land or just view so the two options would be good)

    I dont want a link to my personal folders

    also can I create a folder viewable on the website where all the files can be viewed ?

    many thanks


    Brandon C

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    While we don’t have a scrollable timeline block I do think it’s possible to use one of our pre-designed block elements and adjust it to display as a scrollable timeline. You can search through the auto-generated blocks inside of the post and page builder by clicking the blue “Add Block” button towards the top of your page editor.

    If you do find a block that works for you and you need help adjusting it feel free to switch to the “text” editor tab and copy/paste the contents directly into this thread and we’d be happy to help you modify it to display the way you want.

    As far as hosting your PDF files using a third party platform like Dropbox might be a solution to look into. That way you maintain full control of your folders and still have the ability to share them with your users and link to the files in your content.

    Creating manageable folders from your dashboard can be accomplished using a plugin like WP Folders. This plugin will allow you to easily organize content in folders directly from your WordPress dashboard.

    I hope this helps Andrew. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

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