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  • #34831
    Tim Budong


    I want to buy your pro version but I have 2 questions :

    1/ Can you provide a discount on the annual subscription ?
    2/ When W3 is activated, I get 502 errors when trying to login. It’s a bit worrying, that’s why I’m hesitating to invest in your plugin. I’m sure you understand.

    I’m not a pure tech even if I have some knowledge. Maybe it’s a wrong setting ?

    Looking for hearing from you.

    Thanks a lot,



    Hello Tim,

    Thank you for your questions and I am happy to answer.

    1. We are not offering any discount for a single license at the moment. If you are interested in a multiple license activation please drop us a note via the plugin in Pefrormance>Support.
    2. Without looking at the logs I cannot share any specifics on why this may be occurring. Make sure that the Object Cache and DB cache are not enabled, especially if caching to disk and on the shared server. If those options are enabled, disable them, save all settings and purge the cache and see if the issue persists.
      If the DB is the bottleneck of your website performance, I would recommend upgrading the hosting plan and usin memory-based caching for DB like Redis or Memcached.


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