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  • #23918

    Received error, “Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet” after updating 3 plugins: BoldGrid Editor, BoldGrid Ninja Forms, and BoldGrid SEO. However, it also said all updates successful. Thank you.



    Thank you for reporting the errors you received. I’m sorry to see there was an error displayed after your update. Did you receive that error while the updates were running or after clicking into the BoldGrid Editor (or another plugin–if so, which plugin?)? Are there any issues or bugs you’ve experienced in using the BoldGrid Editor, since updating? Also, what are the current version(s) you have updated to?

    I apologize for so many questions. However, with your feedback, we can attempt to replicate the error you saw and trouble shoot accordingly. If you aren’t having any abnormal behavior from the BoldGrid plugins, I’d say you can disregard that error. We look forward to your response.


    Carlos E

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