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  • #33074


    I’m having trouble editing the call to action widget. My edited text shows up on the page on the editor but then when I go to the web url it still has the original theme text.

    When editing the following error shows at the top.

    ERROR: Duplicate widget ID detected. To avoid content loss, please create a new widget with the same content and then delete this one.

    I’ve tried changing it by duplicating the code in a new widget but it doesn’t work. And anytime I re-add the visual editor the same error occurs.

    I love the theme so would be delighted if this could be fixed.



    Jesse Owens

    Hi Lotte-

    We’ve seen that issue intermittently in the past, and our developers are working on the issue now, but this is the first time I’ve heard of it preventing you from saving changes to your Widget.

    I did check out your site, and I can see that it’s different from the theme default now, “New Site and Online Shop Coming Soon.” Is that what it’s meant to say after the update? It’s possible that you might have seen a cached version of your page, I noticed you are using WP Super Cache. Look for the “Delete Cache” control in your top admin bar.

    If that’s not the case, I’d recommend reaching out to our Premium Support team so we can take a closer look. As a DreamHost customer, you have Premium Support included in your hosting subscription.


    Hi Jesse,

    Thank you for your reply. After I sent the message to you I managed to get it working by pure luck I think. I deleted everything out of the widget section, then re-added the visual editor where the default call to action showed up again. Then edited it again and saved and it worked.

    So not sure what the glitch was but luckily it is working now.

    Thanks for the tips.


    Jesse Owens

    Glad to hear it, Lotte! Our developers are working on getting that bug fixed once and for all, and it should be updated shortly.

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