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  • #153849
    Doug Freitag

    Hi, just wanted to let you know my WordFence alerted me to a modified file in W3 Cache and showed the differences in Root_Environment .php file. Around line 224 looks like a typo in the code.

    if ( ! empty( $license_key ) ) {

    Modified February 7 (probably an update because all files say February 7):
    if ( ! emtpy( $license_key ) ) {

    If you are not seeing it, the word empty is mis-spelled in the most recent update.


    Hello Doug,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    We already have a fix in place for this:

    Just re-download the latest W3 Total Cache version, make the changes manually or check the next patch release

    I hope this helps!


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