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  • #80234

    Hi Boldgrid,

    When submitting the connect key in Settings>BoldGrid Connect, the page briefly shows that the key was submitted successfully, then resets to display the initial un-authenticated page. In summary: I cannot successfully submit the key to upgrade to Premium.

    Please see this screen video to see what I mean

    Can you help?


    Brandon C

    Hi Will,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions. From your video it looks like your free connect key has been accepted.

    If you need to upgrade to premium you can try clicking the blue upgrade button. Or try upgrading at this link.

    I hope this helps Will! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.


    Thanks, Brandon.

    My associate actually purchased a Premium subscription. He likely used his email: to do so. He provided me that Key, I believe thinking that it was the premium key. We’re a bit confused that you call it a ‘free’ connect key. Could you help us find the premium key?


    Brandon C

    Sure Will,

    Can you provide us with the email address you used to to purchase your premium subscription?

    One easy way to find your key is to log in to your BoldGrid Central account and click the Connect Keys section. Just make sure you’re logging in using the email address associated with the premium connect key.

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