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  • #106761

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function W3TC\set_time_limit() in /home/vol5_7/ Stack trace: #0 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\Cache_File->flush() #1 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\ObjectCache_WpObjectCache_Regular->flush() #2 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\CacheFlush_Locally->objectcache_flush() #3 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\CacheFlush->objectcache_flush() #4 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\ObjectCache_Plugin->on_change_option(‘_transient_w3tc…’) #5 /home/vol5_7/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #6 /home/vol5_7/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/vol5_7/ do_action(‘delete_option’, ‘_transient_w3tc…’) #8 /home/vol5_7/ delete_option(‘_transient_w3tc…’) #9 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\ObjectCache_WpObjectCache_Regular->_transient_fallback_get(‘w3tc.verify_plu…’, ‘transient’) #10 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\ObjectCache_WpObjectCache_Regular->get(‘w3tc.verify_plu…’, ‘transient’, false, false) #11 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\ObjectCache_WpObjectCache->get(‘w3tc.verify_plu…’, ‘transient’, false, false) #12 /home/vol5_7/ wp_cache_get(‘w3tc.verify_plu…’, ‘transient’) #13 /home/vol5_7/ get_transient(‘w3tc.verify_plu…’) #14 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\Generic_Plugin_AdminCompatibility->run() #15 /home/vol5_7/ W3TC\Root_Loader->run() #16 /home/vol5_7/ require_once(‘/home/vol5_7/by…’) #17 /home/vol5_7/ include_once(‘/home/vol5_7/by…’) #18 /home/vol5_7/ plugin_sandbox_scrape(‘w3-total-cache/…’) #19 {main} thrown in /home/vol5_7/ on line 276



    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!

    Can you please share which caching method you are using in the W3 Total Cache Performance>General Settings for Object Caching?
    If it’s set to disk, please disable this option purge the cache, and manually remove the wp-content/cache/object folder.
    Let me know if this helps!


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