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  • #150508 Reply

    Hey Guys,

    I installed your plugin and – besides lazy load images – it worked out of the box. Nice! For me, the page feels slightly faster. But Google Page Speed Insights made my score Drop from about 71 to 47 (mobile). It feels faster but ranks worse? I saw some features in pro-mode and that you guys set up the plugin for perfect experience and I hope a good Score? So for this sake, could you check my site and tell me, if you can make the score at least as without the plugin activated?

    This was the test with no caching plugin:

    This with your plugin enabled:

    So if you guys can rock this, I will for sure buy the pro plan.

    Thank you very much,

    #150590 Reply

    Hello Roman,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    I’ve checked your website, however, without knowing the things you optimized and which settings you used to configure the W3 Total Cache I am not able to specify with certainty what exactly is the problem.
    The Google Page speed tests are not 100% reliable. Mostly because of how they measure the performance and how they change the testing each time depending on the location. One thing that I can see made a lot of difference is the LCP which is related to the cookie consent banner which changed and impacted the score. This, however, may be related to how late the script was running prior to the load.

    Have you performed more than one test or was this result the only one you got?


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