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  • #89029
    David Chu

    I’m a paid user of Boldgrid. My site,, had a problem and couldn’t load. I couldn’t log in at all, so I couldn’t use my backups to restore the site.

    I ended up starting from scratch and rebuilt my site. I installed Total Upkeep, and entered my pro code. Things basically look fine.

    The backups seem to be running OK, but I noticed that it only does a local backup, but not the Google drive part (I didn’t choose that in the options, and double-checked it)

    Can you help me get the Google Drive part working again?

    Thanks very much, Dave

    Brandon C

    Hi David,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions! It sounds like you may need to reconfigure and authorize Google Drive in your Total Upkeep settings. You can follow this guide to learn how to do just that.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

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