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  • #37401

    I double checked my home page in design and “static” is checked but when I created a blog post, that took over the home page.
    Not sure how to remedy this. Any help appreciated. (I deleted the blog post)
    The home page displays the title: “Alchemy Myth Magic” with an image on the left and text on the right..



    Hi Deborah,

    Thanks for contacting BoldGrid support, we’re happy to help get your homepage setup. In the Customizer please navigate to Advanced > Homepage Settings and you should see this panel:

    Set static homepage in Customizer

    The homepage is set to the page called “Home” and then Posts page is set to a page called “Blog”. You may not have a blog page created but you can do so right from the Customizer by clicking the + Add New Page link below the Posts page box:

    Add new page from Customzier

    Once both the homepage and blog page are set your website should display the content as you’d like it.

    Please let us know if this worked, or if you need additional assistance.



    HI Nicole,

    Thank you for your response.

    The problem is, in the Customizer / Advanced I have already selected “static” for the home page BUT I DON’T HAVE AN OPTION for “HOME” in the dropdown menu “homepage”. it just isn’t there. My HOME page is already set to static but if you look at my website, a recent “test” BLOG post appears on the “home page” So something else is going on …



    Hi Deborah,

    Are you able to take a screenshot of what you have in the Customizer? You will need to set something for both the Home and Blog pages in the Customizer. Perhaps your home page is called something other than “Home” in the dashboard? What pages are available in the Customizer dropdown?



    HI Nicole, thanks again,

    Screen shot posted here: https://deborahjohnstone.com/contact/

    In Cutomizer – No option for “HOME” in dropdown menu even though HOMEpage is set to STATIC.
    Blog posts won’t go to the “Blog” page – keep appearing ahead of home page content – see here: https://deborahjohnstone.com

    BTW – how to post an image to this forum without uploading it to my site?

    Thank you



    You need to pick a page to be your homepage, it doesn’t need to be literally called “Home” if you don’t want, but you need to select something in that dropdown. Until a page is assigned to be the homepage in that dropdown, your blog will show on your main URL. What page do you want to be your homepage?

    You can use a free Dropbox account to send images if you’d like: https://www.dropbox.com/basic



    Thanks again…

    I get it but I’ve already created a page that I thought would – by default – become the “home” page. It’s the page displaying now at the site when you go to deborahjohnstone.com. So do I just add a “home” page to pages and then redo what I have? Since the page is already created, it’s like it exists somewhere but I can’t find it…

    AND… I have drop box – DUH can’t believe I didn’t think of that.

    Thanks, again

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Deborah-

    Thanks for the updates! From what you’ve described, I think I know what’s going on.

    WordPress has two different kinds of content- “Posts” and “Pages.” If there aren’t any Pages published on your site, then you don’t get the option to set the homepage to a “static” page.

    It sounds like what you’ll need to do is find your “Alchemy Myth Magic” post, Select All (Ctrl-A, or Cmd-A on mac), and copy that post. Then navigate to Pages > Add New and paste it into a page. Title that page, “Home” and publish it.

    Once you’ve published that page, you’ll finally be able to see the option to set the static homepage.

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