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  • #73847
    Steve Valencia

    width not full width. How can I make it full width?

    Brandon C

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    I tried inspecting your website but I see it’s password protected. You should be able you get your content to display full width by using the Customizer to navigate to Design < Pages < Container and you will see a toggle for Contained or Full Width.

    Select Full Width there and it should enable the functionality. The same toggle exists for Posts as well. Please let me know if that solves your problem.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

    Tim LeCroy

    I read the response above, but I do not see the “customizer.” How do I get to it?

    Tim LeCroy

    What is the customizer and How to get to it?

    Brandon C

    Hi Tim,

    The WordPress Customizer allows you to control global elements in your theme. You can reach the customizer from your WordPress Dashboard from Appearance > Customize .

    This guide on customizing your Crio site should get you familiar with Crio global elements in the WordPress customizer. There are literally hundreds of features at your disposable here!

    I hope this helps Tim!

    Brandon C

    Hey Tim, I just merged this over from your new forum topic:

    For example on these two pages:

    What to Expect

    I want the content to be wider because it doesn’t look right.

    How do I do this?

    Brandon C

    The above link looks to be a blog post. If you wanted to change the global element of how blog post are displayed you would navigate from your WordPress Customizer to Design > Blog > Posts > Container and changed the container with to Full Width or set a Max Full Width size.

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