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  • #24346

    We want to have the Main Menu of Grid 1 on the bottom, but need for the sub menu to pop up, not down, as down forces the user to scroll. How can you make the menu pop up the selections?


    Hello Clay,

    Thanks for your question regarding menu positions. There is a CSS rule that can be added to the menu class in order to get it pop up in some cases. However, it is not a feature available in BoldGrid by default at the moment.

    Remember it is considered best practice to develop a layout that will be most readable for a variety of platforms.

    For example, in your monitor, you may need to scroll to see the submenus. However, some users may have smaller monitors or larger text on their page, which would mean they would need to scroll anyway, even if the submenus popped up instead of down. Or, they might not see the menu at all. This would certainly be true for hand-held devices like phones and tablets.

    Conversely, users with larger, high resolution monitors may see everything in one glance, even the dropdown content of the submenus, without needing to scroll at all.

    If the menu content is important, you may want to consider having it in the clearest spot, at the top, where everyone will see it regardless of the device they’re using.


    Christopher M.

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