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  • #55661
    Marc Moore

    Hello- the first image on my site will resize to a certain extent but then will max out leaving white space on the right side. Can you help me adjust that somehow?


    Brandon C

    Hi Marc,

    Thank you for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions!

    I inspected your page at the URL you attached in the thread and it looks like your images are stretching the full width of the page so I’m assuming you may already gotten this resolved. Normally when I see this issue its more than likely a matter of adjusting the padding or margin of one one of your elements.

    We do have a guide on working with images in Post and Page Builder if you would like more info on adding and editing images in your theme.

    Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Marc Moore

    Hi Brandon-

    Thanks for the reply. When I go to the home page, I see a white box to the right of the first image of a green and black truck. The image tries to keep stretching but isn’t as wide as my screen.

    I have tried to change every setting related to padding and margins and no luck. I have corrected this in the past, but it keeps reverting back. Now I can’t remember what the fix was from before.

    Please help.



    Marc Moore

    Hi Brandon-

    Thanks for the reply. When I go to the home page, I see a white box to the right of he first image of a green and black truck. It’s like the image stretches some but then stops short of my wide screen. The image below that one is fine.

    I have tried to change every setting related to padding and margins and no luck. I have corrected this in the past, but it keeps reverting back. Now I can’t remember what the fix was from before.

    Please help.



    Brandon C

    Thanks Mark!

    Sorry I’m not getting that on my end it looks like your images on your homepage are stretching the full width of the page. You may want to try clearing any cache associated with your website (including browser cache and any server side cache), and then reload your homepage to see if it reflects you changes.

    Marc Moore

    Thanks Brandon. I have an extra wide screen at both my office and my home. Both show the image stops stretching when you drag the window to a certain size. Can you try it on a wider than normal screen and see if you get what I’m talking about?

    Brandon C

    Hi Marc,

    I’m sorry, I’m still not able to replicate your issue. I inspected your page on a 27inch screen and the image still stretches the width of the page. Have you tried clearing any cache associated with your website (including browser cache and any server side cache), then reloading your homepage to see if it reflects you changes?

    You’ll especially want to do this if your using a caching plugin.

    Marc Moore

    I’ve cleared my browser cache and I’ve cleared the cache on autoptimize on the server. Is there anything else to try? I didn’t change anything, so I don’t know what old files would be cached tho.

    I get the same white box in firefox and edge on both of my computers. I’m stuck..

    Brandon C

    Thanks Marc,

    Could you use imgbb to send us a screenshot of your current screen size issue. I do apologize I just can’t seem to replicate the issue on my end.

    It could be that the actual size of the image is just not covering the dimensions of your screen size. Have you tried it on a smaller device screen to see if the issue persist their as well.

    I’m thinking if we can verify the issue in your screenshot we can produce some CSS that will stretch the image width to fill any screen size.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this.

    Marc Moore

    Thanks Brandon. On smaller screens and devices, it has plenty of stretch. But on wider screens, it stops short. Thanks for the help. Here is the link to the image of my screen:


    Brandon C

    Thanks for the Screenshot Marc. Try navigating to the Custom CSS/JS Editor section of your WordPress Customizer and add this bit of CSS to see if it resolves your issue.

    .img-responsive {
        width: 100% !important;

    I hope this helps!

    Marc Moore

    I’ve cleared the caches but that didn’t seem to work.

    Did I put it in the right place?


    Marc Moore

    I’ve cleared caches and still no luck. Did I put it in the right spot?


    Brandon C

    Hi Marc,

    It looks like you have it in the correct place. Could you tell me the exact size of the screen you’re using?

    Marc Moore

    It’s an LG 29WK500 at 2560 x 1080 resolution. I have something slightly smaller at home.

    Brandon C

    Hi Marc,

    I think it’s as I suspected, the dimensions on your image are 2000px wide so if your monitor is 2650px wide its not actually filling the allotted space even when called at 100%.

    You could try replacing your current CSS with .img-responsive { width: 100vw !important; } to see if it forces full width but best solution would probably be resizing the image manually using a free third party software like

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