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  • #55199

    I went to the sidebar of my Dashboard and under Posts, I clicked on tags. I went ahead and added tag words All good.
    Then I added a new blog page and went down to the area where you add tags and clicked on “frequently used tags” thinking this related to the tags that I input under the first step (went to the sidebar, clicked on Posts, and the submenu tags).

    The question of the day…. Is there no connection between the tags that I input and the actual blog post page and entering those tags automatically to the add tags to the blog post?

    Brandon C

    Hi Sixto,

    As always thank you for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions!

    You should be able to create and add tags directly from your “edit post” screen that display on your blog page. The tags should take you to an dynamic archive page with all of your tagged content.

    You can verify what tags are present on your site from the Post < Tags section of your dashboard.

    You also want to be sure you’ve selected the global option to “show” tags in your blog post from the Appearance < Design < Blog < Posts < Links < Tags section of your WordPress customizer.

    Let us know if you run into any trouble Sixto we’ll be right here!


    Hello Jason,

    #1 Yes I an able to verify the tags that are present for Post<Tags as I have keyed in a few myself.
    #2. Appearance < customize < Design < Blog < Posts There is no Global selection available for the “global option to “show” tags in your blog post.”

    Would #2 let me choose the Tags from #1 for the Tags section on the Blog Post itself? Right now if I go into the blog post itself under tags it has the following:

    <An empty box> then a button exists to the right that says <ADD>. Underneath this it states:
    Separate tags with commas

    Then there is an option to click on:
    <Choose from the most used tags> however when you click here nothing happens.

    I need to know If I input tags into #1 above which I have already done, how do I choose these tags for the actual blog post itself? Again, #2 was not an option when I went into the template design itself.



    Brandon C

    Thanks Sixto,

    You can use the tags you’ve set in the Post < Tags to tag your content, you’d just need to separate each tag using a comma “,”. The Tags taxonomy doesn’t have the same drop-down structure as the “Category” taxonomy but you may be able to use a plugin like Simple Tags to make them easier to implement.

    As far as displaying tags on your page if you’ve reached the Appearance < Design < Blog < Posts section of your dashboard then there are two more steps Links < Tags

    So the full navigation should be Appearance < Design < Blog < Posts < Links < Tags . And you’ll have the ability to set its display the “show”

    I hope this helps. I apologize if it seems a bit confusing.


    I understand all of the above and I feel I am missing an important point somewhere as i have keyed in tags in the Post > Tags, no problem.

    Now, when I create or edit a new Post how do I bring in the tags that I want into the new Post. Under the section for posts you can add tags, however, how do you bring them in from the tags I have already added under the Post, Tags section?

    Brandon C

    Hi Sixto,

    When you add a tag of the same name as your previously created tags it will automatically add that post to that particular tags archive.

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