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  • #131019

    Hello I have a social media menu with FB, Instagram and Twitter, these icons came up when I linked the webiste (i think these icons were populated with the website that I chose, not sure).. How do I add an icon? For example, I added tik tok and the name up on the website how do I get the social meida icon for Tik tok to hsowup instead of text?

    Brandon C

    Hi Sixto,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio WordPress Theme questions! Tik Tok is one of the social icons that works a bit differently because it has yet to be added to the subset of the Font Awesome Library that integrates with Crio.

    We had a similar question a while back where our community manager Jesse created a video that shows exactly how to set this up. You can check it out here.

    I hope this helps Sixto! Let us know if we can answer anything else for you.

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