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  • #44004

    I am using the BoldGrid Crio theme and have uploaded an image for my background on my home page. The recommended size is 2000×1200 (although I have tried other sizes with the same result). The image does not go to full width of the page, instead there are black bars on either side.

    Brandon C

    Hi Nigel-

    Thanks for reaching out, and thanks for using the Crio Pro WordPress Theme!

    I checked on the URL you sent, and it looks like your header is full width right now. Did you already solve this?

    If it doesn’t appear full width on your end try clearing any cache you have associated with the website. If the image is on a different page please send us the URL of that page so we can take a look.

    We look forward to hearing from you!


    Hi Brandon,
    No its not solved! The large image on the home page (blue gloved hand working in the flower bed) is the problem – there are black spaces either side when it is supposed to go right to the edge of the page. I flushed the cache and tried different browsers – same issue.

    Brandon C

    My apologies, from what I can see it looks like you have that image set as the background of the row but another background applied to the main section itself. I do not see black bars on either side of the image but I do see a larger image spanning the width of the page.

    This guide on working with sections in BoldGrid may help you gain a better understanding of how elements are placed.

    Hope this helps.


    That’s it! Thanks for your help Brandon, really appreciate it. I did what you said – RTFM!!!

    Brandon C

    Yes anytime Nigel! Happy we were able to help.

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