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  • #87070
    Cheryl Fox

    I have read the documentation about changing typography in WordPress, but the instructions don’t match what I see in my menu. I am using the Raleway font family, and want to specify what font size to use for each category (paragraph, heading 1, etc.). Can I do this? All I see in my Customize menu for Main Text is a slider that doesn’t seem to change font size.

    Brandon C

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the Primas theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Each WordPress theme is created a bit differently and they all have their own built-in features. In the case of your Primas theme you can access global fonts from the WordPress Customizer. From your dashboard click Appearance > Customize > Fonts and from that control you’ll see options for Headings, Subheadings, and Main Text. You can use these controls to change global fonts in your theme.

    If you would like to change fonts on a page by page basis using the Post and Page Builder you can edit any post or page and access fonts in the editor as well.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Cheryl Fox

    I followed the instructions, but got exactly the same results as I had initially. All I can do is move a slider, and the font size to the right of the slider stays the same: 16 in my case.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Cheryl,

    When selecting the sub controls (Headings, Subheadings, and Main Text), it should display those options. You want to be sure, that the font you’re changing is for the correct global element. When I checked this on my end I noticed the slider was working but the “16px” size does not increase or decrease along with it.

    The font control options in the customizer won’t apply to fonts that have been pre-selected on current post/pages with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. You’ll need to “Edit” the post/page to access font control on specific pages/posts if you wish to change fonts that way.

    When did you first notice your issue? Was it after updating your WordPress core or PHP version perhaps?

    Cheryl Fox

    The statement you made in your first paragraph is exactly what I’m seeing, ie., the 16px size does not change along with the slider. I did not have any text selected, I was simply trying to set a font size for future posts so I would not have to manually change every single paragraph.

    This is the first website I have ever developed. While building it, my “end-users” kept asking for larger and larger fonts for the text, so I changed it the only way I understood how: paragraph by paragraph. Now, in studying the documentation again, I see an article called “How to Change Typography in WordPress|Boldgrid”. Sounds great – that would simplify things, at least for future blocks! But when I followed the instructions, I inevitably came back to a slider that showed 16px no matter what I did, and no way to set the primary text areas the article refers to. This is why I opened a “ticket”.

    As far as I know, the text controls on my site have worked the same way for the past two years through any upgrades that occurred with WordPress or Boldgrid.

    Am I just out of luck here, or is there something I can do to change the typography as stated in the article?

    Thank you.

    Cheryl Fox

    I got exactly the results you cite in your first paragraph: slider moves, but 16px never changes. As I move the slider, the whole page showing to the right gets magnified, not a result I want. This has always worked this way in the 2 years the site has existed, through all upgrades to WordPress and Boldgrid.

    This is the first website of any type that I have developed. Whenever I demo’ed it to my “end-users”, they inevitably asked for bigger fonts. I changed each paragraph/element the only way I knew how to: through the element menu for each paragraph.

    While searching Boldgrid documentation trying to learn more, I found the article “How to Change Typography in WordPress/Boldgrid”. I was excited, because this would make my work much easier as I developed new blocks. I followed the steps as listed in the article, but always came back to the same slider and 16px whenever I went to the Customize -> Fonts -> main text.

    Do I just have to live with this, and keep working the way I have been? Nothing I try seems to work.

    Thank you.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Cheryl,

    You mentioned “As I move the slider, the whole page showing to the right gets magnified”, the slider control is actually changing the font size of the selected global element in your theme in real time. If you update/publish your changes it will take effect for that global element only (Headings, Subheadings, and Main Text).

    For all other fonts you would want to use your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder controls. In order to reach the editor click Pages or Posts from your WordPress dashboard and then hover over the item you would like to update and click “edit” page/post.

    Back to the global slider I really do believe that this a bug preventing the controls from working correctly. I will bring this to our developers attention but I don’t know how quickly a patch might go out for it. Your Primas Theme is considered a BoldGrid Legacy theme and only receives core updates to keep it functional at this time.

    All of Primas features and controls have been integrated into Crio Pro WordPress theme which receives regular updates and is fully compatible with Post and Page Builder. Crio is very well documented and comes with over 400 customizable controls right out of the box including highly functional font control settings.

    Switching over to Crio is just a suggestion but I think it will streamline a lot of your design work.

    I hope this helps Cheryl! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

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