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  • #33760

    I’m thinking of buying pro. My issue with the free version is that I’m using Woocommerce Bookings. When I activate W3 Total Cache it prevents people from being able to book a date. Am I able to fix that? I don’t want to spend money unless I know it’s going to work.



    Jesse Owens

    Hi Joshua-

    Thanks for your interest in W3 Total Cache Pro! Because of the dynamic nature of the WooCommerce Bookings plugin, that content should be excluded from your Page Cache.

    There are two ways you can fix this, the “right” way, and the easy way.

    First, the easy way- you can exclude your bookings pages from the Page Cache. Give your bookings products a category or tag, then add that category or tag to the Performance > Page Cache > Advanced > Never cache pages associated with these categories / Never cache pages that use these tags. Alternatively, you can add /products/* to the Never cache the following pages field.

    Next, the “right” way. You can use Page Fragment Caching Exceptions in your theme template for the booking product. This will preserve the most performance while still allowing your bookings to behave dynamically. The catch is that you will need to make a child theme and edit your theme templates, and place <!–mfunc –> comments around the booking calendar. If you’d like help setting this up, we also offer Premium Services to help you configure this in your Performance > Support menu.


    I tried the tags and categories and it was a no go.

    So I have to pay for you to make my site to work with google after I’ve already paid you?

    How much and which support? Seems like robbery.

    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Joshua,

    I’ve inspected your website and I can see that the calendar is not loaded (infinity loading). After checking the Console errors I saw a 404 error for
    This is for page
    Can you please disable the W3TC settings one by one in Performance>General settings, save all settings and purge the cache after each setting is disabled, and see which setting might be causing this.

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