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  • #24344

    How Do I get rid of the following “error message on my WordPress?

    BoldGrid Connection Issue
    There was an issue reaching the BoldGrid Connect server. Some BoldGrid features may be temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a moment.

    If the issue persists, then please feel free to check our BoldGrid Status page.

    Arnel C

    Hello Anthony,

    Sorry for the problem with the BoldGrid Connect option.  Please provide the exact steps to get to the problem as we are unable to duplicate the problem.  If you can provide the exact duplication steps then we can look into the issue in more depth and see what’s happening.  At this point, I’m able to access the BoldGrid Connect option without any issues.  Remember that if you’re using BoldGrid on a WordPress installation without Internet access, then BoldGrid connect will not work.


    If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.



    Arnel C.

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