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  • #125093
    fabio rossi

    In next release will add spoiler/hidden button ?

    Brandon C

    Hi Fabio,

    Thanks for reaching with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions.  I’m sorry, I don’t know if I’m exactly sure what you’re referring to so you may have to add some context.  We offer responsive utilities as a part and Post and Page Builder.

    Post and Page Builders responsive utilities allow you to control how elements appear on various device sizes.

    I hope this is what you’re looking for but if you can explain in detail I’m sure we can put together a feature request on your behalf for our developers to review.

    Thanks a lot and please let us know if we can assist you further with this.


    fabio rossi

    i’d like hidden some parte of my article to avoid spoiler

    ther is some plug in like :
    but i don’t want any other plug in

    Brandon C

    Thanks Fabio,

    I understand what you need here.  Sorry, this is not something post and page builder offers right out of the box.  If you don’t want to go the plugin route you may have to set up custom code for this functionality on your own or working with a developer.

    I’ve created a feature request on your behalf and if it makes sense to our developers the feature will build it and have the feature implemented into Post and Page Builder in a future update.

    I hope this helps Fabio, let us know if we can answer anything else for you!

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