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  • #74293


    I am using post and page builder on my Knights site with no issue, yet when I activate it on my collective site with the same theme, it throws the front page right out of wack.

    Is there anyway I can use this without is interfering with my theme?

    Brandon C

    Hi Yort,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress questions.

    I’m thinking the issue here is likely theme compatibility. The Neux premium theme you’re running on your website is likely incompatible with Post and Page Builder and has no reference for integration.

    In this case it would be my recommendation to switch to a BoldGrid Framework based theme such as our flagship Crio Pro Super theme which is 100% compatible or contact your theme provider for a list of comparable page builders for that specific theme.

    I hope this helps Yort!

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